Lunchtime with Pure Heart- Here’s a glimpse into what our lunchtime looks like at our feeding center in Managua Nicaragua.
Lunchtime with Pure Heart- Here’s a glimpse into what our lunchtime looks like at our feeding center in Managua Nicaragua.
5 years! Pure Heart Children’s Fund is now 5 years old! We have served over 240,000 meals to the impoverished children that live along the city dump. It hasn’t been easy, we’ve gone through a lot: a couple of moves, sicknesses, becoming a 501c3, death, car repairs, growing pains. You
Thank you to Rain Agency for coming to our center and throwing an amazing party for the niños we work with! Face painting, piñatas, balloon animals, and balls. You guys rock! Thanks for thinking of the children at Pure Heart. The children have a lot of stresses in their lives. It’s nice
Washed down the drain It’s rainy season here and we sure need it. Nothing like the smell of Nicaragua after a daily cloud burst. I love rainy season. After every rain it’s like a new start. It cools things off. All the smog and stench is washed from the air. The
65 million girls are out of school globally and that story is no different in Nicaragua. We see it over and over, but girls living in poverty are more likely to get pregnant and drop out of school before they are even 15 years old. At La Chureca (the city dump
Diego is entirely too serious for being only 4 years old. All of our kids here seem to love the color purple for some reason… it must be the cool thing right now. Diego like to play with toys. And when he grows up he wants to keep playing.
When Roger was a little boy, he was playing in his front yard and found a grenade. They started throwing it back and forth but when Roger caught it, it exploded. He suffered major shrapnel damage, lost an eye, and 2 fingers. Roger has been through a lot. We were
This sweet boy is Jeremy. His mom has been with us since she was a little girl and we have loved watching them grow! We asked Jeremy what some of his favorite things are and he said, movies, parakeets, and the color orange…even though he thinks his shirt is
We are very excited to announce that we are officially a 501(c)3! After over a year long process we have finally been approved as an official 501(c)3 non-profit! We are thankful for the hard work that everyone has put in for us to get where we are. And we are very
We are dedicated to giving hope to at-risk children, living in poverty in Nicaragua. We often see children forced to make dangerous decisions because of their poverty and living situation. The more we help, the less children will have to compromise themselves in order to live. My name is Dean Peters.